Chapter 5
Civil Liberties and citizenship
Civil Liberties
The personal rights and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law, constitution,
or judicial interpretation
What is Freedom of Speech?
Historically – Zenger
-Framers of the Constitution
Alien and Sedition
Prior restraint
Constitutional doctrine that prevents the government from prohibiting speech or publication before the
NY Times v US
(1971) Pentagon Papers
The government couldn’t block the publishing of info on Vietnam War
Speech Interpretations
*Schneck v United States (1917)
(clear and present danger)
*Gitlow v NY (1925)
(bad tendency test)
*US v O'Brien (1968)
(negative action)
symbolic speech exercise rejected
Texas v Johnson(1989)
struck down state law prohibiting flag burning
Time, Place, Manner
allowances and
High Schools - a Speech Forum
Tinker v Des
Moines (1969)
Hazelwood District v Kuhlmeier (1988)
Edwards v Aguillard (1987)
struck down Louisiana law forcing a teacher to devote equal time to
"creation science"
College Campus - a Speech Forum
*R.A.V v St. Paul(1992)
hate crimes law was struck down
(preventing cross burnings)
but….Court revisited it in 2003 and allowed states to keep law banning cross burnings
Libel – false
written statements tending to call someone’s reputation into disrepute
Slander – Untrue
spoken statements that defame the character of a person
NY Times v Sullivan
Public officials can be scrutinized openly unless libel can be proven
"What is pornography to one man is the laughter and genius to another"
The Supreme Court on
Lady Chatterly's
Lover 1947
Miller v California (1973)
attempted to define obscenity and confirmed state control
of the scope of definition.
(NY, Alabama, Nevada)
Jenkins v Georgia (1974)
"Carnal Knowledge Case"
Barnes v Glen Theater (1991)
The Indiana "G - String Law" is instituted when the SC upheld Indiana’s right
to ban “all nude all the time”
Court upheld Penn. Law banning
Nude dancing again in 2000
Internet – Cyber porn
Court has struck down regulatory laws
The Communications Decency Act 1995
National Socialist Party
v Skokie (1977)
ACLU defended the American Nazi Party
**"I may not agree with what you say, but I'll
defend your right to say it"
Hurley v Irish-American Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual
Group of Boston
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Freedom of Religion
"Free Exercise Clause"
"Congress shall make no law...prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
* Reynolds v US
(1890) banned polygamy
* W.Virginia Board of Ed
Jehovah Witnesses and the Pledge
* Wisconsin v Yoder (1972)
Amish Case and School
Establishment Clause
" Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion..... "
* Everson v Board of Ed (1947)
allowed funding for busing to religious schools, kids are helped
* Engel v Vitale
“ Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessing upon us, our parents,
our teachers, and our country.”
SC ruled 6-3 in 2000
Against a football team prayer
The problem of drugs and religious rituals. (peyote)
The banning was upheld in
Oregon v Smith (1990)
many states have repealed their laws
Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye Inc v
City of Hialeah (1993)
The religious rituals of the Santeria
Lemon v Kurtzman (1971)
"excessive government entanglement"
sometimes allowing religious activity
Lynch v Donnelly
allows nativity scenes during Christmas time in a holiday display
Loyalty and Security
Smith Act (1940)
unlawful for any person to advocate the overthrow of US by violence
* Dennis v US (1951) confirmation
McCarran Act (1950) - registration
of members of the Communist Party
Communist Party v
Subversive Activities Control Board (1961)
Albertson v Subversive Activities Control Board (1965)
Brandenburg v Ohio (1969)
Government could punish under
The direct incitement test
*speech leading to lawlessness action
Due Process of Law
Equal Protection under the Law
( The 14th Amendment guarantees
the Bill of Rights)
(Also the due process clause of the 5th Amendment)
substantive due
laws must be reasonable
* incorporation doctrine
the interpretation of the Constitution that holds that the due process clause requires that state and local governments
also guarantee those rights Gitlow v NY (1925)
* selective incorporation
A judicial doctrine whereby most but not all of the protections
found in the Bill of Rights are made applicable to the states via the
14th Amendment Near v Minnesota (1931)
procedural due
laws must be enforced fairly
The 4th Amendment
protection against unreasonable searches and seizures
"probable cause"
Jersey v TLO (1985)
"only reasonable grounds to search"
Vernonia School District
v Acton(1995)
"drug testing was reasonable"
Government authorized wire-tapping and surveillance -------> illegal
(The Pentagon
Papers, Watergate)
In 1978, the loosely enforced Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act requires Federal Investigators to obtain a court order
Wolf v Colorado (1949)
Unreasonable searches and seizures
Mapp v Ohio (1961)
the states were subject to the exclusionary rule preventing police from using illegally seized evidence at a trial
Law enforcement (prosecutors) must issue subpoenas for review
of vital material
Barron v Baltimore (1833)
the Bill of Rights did not apply to the state governments and the SC
cannot apply them.
Gitlow v NY State (1925)
can't preach or write about the violent overthrow of US
Court confirmed the fundamental personal rights of the 14th Amendment from being restricted by the states
Palko v Connecticut(1937)
allowed double jeopardy (5th Amendment protection)in murder trial
Benton v Maryland (1969) overruled it
Upholding the 5th Amendment protection
The Warren Court looked to protect the democratic system by protecting
the accused.
(acquittals in criminal cases were linked to economic class)
Rights of the Accused
Mallory v US (1957)
federal court case be arraigned without any delay (6th Amendment)
Mallory Rule
Gideon V Wainwright(1963)
Right to a Court appointed attorney
Escobedo v Illinois (1964)
confirmed the right to council during a police interrogation
Miranda v Arizona (1966)
right to silence (5th Amendment)
Furman v Georgia(1971) (8th Amendment)
Ended capital punishment
But has held that a state has the right to enact a death penalty
Gregg v Georgia (1976)
* Griswold
v Connecticut
(struck down 1879 law preventing any disseminating
of info on contraceptives)
* Roe
v Wade (1973)
A women’s right to privacy gave her an absolute right, free from state interference, to terminate
her pregnancy.
(4th 9th 14th interpretation)
Planned Parenthood of
SE Penn v Casey (1992)
Trimester approach is abolished substituting
the undue burden standard.
(States could regulate as long as they
did not pose undue burden on a pregnant women)
women’s right to choose is affirmed
The Right to Die
1990, Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that parents could not withdraw a feeding tube from a comatose daughter
individuals could terminate their own lives via a will with an DNR order
States have instituted laws preventing the assisted suicides (Jack Kevorkian)
Court has upheld this in 1997
it a crime for doctors to administer life-ending drugs to mentally competent but terminally ill patients who wish to die.
Oregon has enacted “right to die”
or assisted suicide laws approved by voters to allow physicians to prescribe drugs to terminally ill patients
* Jus Soli
- USA birthplace = citizenship
* Jus Sanguinis
- right of blood = citizenship
1990 - Congress established 675,000 ceiling
@1952 - McCarran-Walter Act (quotas)
1924 - Immigration Act(quotas)
Citizen Action
Serrano v Priest (1971)
in the funding of public schools