Chapter 9
The Executive Branch
and the Federal Bureaucracy
The Federal Bureaucracy
= Civil Service
= bureaucrats
According to
Sociologist Max Weber:
Hierarchical authority structure
Power flows from the top down and responsibility flows from the bottom up
Task specialization
Experts instead of amateurs perform technical jobs
Develop extensive rules
Allows cases to be handled similarly instead of capriciously
Merit Principle
Entrance and promotion are based on demonstrated ability to eliminate nepotism
An attempt to be impartial
The Executive Branch’s
federal bureaucracy is huge -----> 4 million People
Presidential Appointments
“Plum Book”
Bureaucracies tend to mushroom once established
Parkinson's Law - "Work expands so as to fill the available
time for its completion"
Hannah Arendt - "rule by no one"
a system where very few or no one can held accountable
School Board Politics
The People - Voters
Asst Superintendents
Asst Principals
- Union
- Union
- Union
- Union
Problem faced
by the US Government (elections)
Can government be decreased or streamlined effectively/fairly?
Many US Government Agencies deal directly with problems
Department of Agriculture
sensitive to farmers
purchases----> effect the price
of grain
senators and congressmen from the "Heartland" States are sensitive to the needs of their constituencies
(farmers and harvest companies)
they sponsor legislation beneficial to their states
they are supported by special interest groups
(farmers, harvest co.)
Morris P. Fiorina
*Congress is the alpha and omega
(they will denounce and approve)
-full circle-
the creation of the bureaucratic
"Iron Triangle"
a subgovernment
A powerful alliance of mutual benefit
among an agency or unit of government, an interest group and or a subcommittee of Congress
* Interest
(farmers, harvest co. lobbyists)
* Congress
Senate and the House Agricultural
Sub Committees
* Bureaucracy
(Department of Agriculture)
Grain Division, etc…
Military Complex and
the Iron Triangle
* Department (Bureaucratic)
of Defense Agency
* Military (Interest Group)
* Congress (Committees, Staff)
*The New Deal -
defined bureaucracy
*The Great Society
illuminated them
Today an
Independent Prosecutor
and his staff
The Budget
OMB - an Executive Branch Office
created in 1970
designed to shift to the President tighter control over management of the bureaucracy
Federal Government fiscal year
*starts October 1 and ends
September 30
Congressional Budget Office
House Budget Committee
Senate Budget Committee
Issue Networks
The loose and informal relationship across the broad range of agencies
Hugh Heclo
Argues they have overlapped.
Kid’s issues are linked to both education and welfare
Iron Triangles have become rusty
1)problems are complex
2)issues cut across policy areas
3)special interest located in DC
Administration Adjudication
When they over-lap,
A bureaucratic agency will settle the dispute
*mediation or arbitration*
Clientele agencies
Executive departments directed by law to foster and promote interests of a specific segment
or group.
Cabinet Department of Education, Agriculture, Energy….
Within Department of Labor
Women’s Bureau (created 1920)
Government Corporations
From New Deal…..TVA, FDIC
Also….US Postal Service
Charles Schultze
(Carter’s Economic Adviser)
on the Command and Control Policy
of federal bureaucracy
Existing system of regulation whereby government tells business how to reach certain goals,
checks that these commands are followed, and punishes offenders.
Schultze favors the
incentive system
Independent Executive Agencies
FBI - J. Edgar Hoover and civil rights violations
CIA - assassinations
Iran - Contra ?
NASA - John Glenn?
Space Shuttle Program
The Regulatory Commissions
* The
Federal Reserve Board
* The Federal Trade Commission
* Federal Communications Commission (1934)
* The Security and Exchange Commission (1934)
(National Labor Relations Board)
* The Federal Energy Regulatory
Social Regulation
Grew during the 1970s and 1980s
*Environmental Protection Agency
*Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA
*Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Since 1995, lower budgets
* Deregulation
Airline Industry - big carriers
were awarded routes
competition - smaller companies
competed with lower rates
Interstate Commerce Commission
went out of business in 1995
Interagency Councils
Purpose is to coordinate policy making across a host
of govt agencies
The Office of Homeland Security
Department of Homeland
Civil Service
Thomas Jefferson - dismissed hundreds of Federalists
in favor of members of his own party
Andrew Jackson
- the "spoils system"
1871 - Civil Service Commission
1880 - James A. Garfield
Republican - reform candidate
Stalwarts - Chester A. Arthur
anti-reform VP
Garfield is assassinated,
Arthur becomes a reformer!
Civil Service Reform Act (1883)
(Pendleton Act)
established system where 10% of federal employees are chosen by a competitive exam.
Hatch Act of 1939
barred federal administrative officials from active political campaigning and soliciting Was
this a denial of rights?
Civil Service Commission v
National Association of Letter Carriers, AFL-CIO (1973)
Court upheld the act saying that job security may be related to party loyalty
Jimmy Carter -
A government that can be trusted
Civil Service Reform Act
* Office
of Personnel Management
(President's personal arm)
Merit Systems
Protection Board
-Waste control,
* Federal Labor
Relation Authority
arbitrate labor disputes
* Senior Executive Service (SES)
Supergrade – High level civil
servant in a bureaucracy
The Whistle-Blowers
The X-Files
– Agents Mulder and Scully
ombudsman - takes the complaints from citizens, victims
wronged by government agencies