Salerno's Classroom Celebrates America!

U.S. History Chapter 10

AP Government Summer Assignment
AP Chapters 1,2
AP Chapter 3
AP Chapter 4
AP Chapter 5
AP Chapter 6
AP Chapter 7
AP Chapter 8
AP Chapter 9
AP Chapter 10
AP Chapter 11
AP Chapter 12
AP Chapter 13
AP Chapter 14
AP Chapter 15
AP Chapter 16
U.S. History Chapters 1, 2, 3
U.S. History Chapter 4
U.S. History Chapter 5
U.S. History Chapter 6
U.S. History Chapter 7
U.S. History Chapter 8
U.S. History Chapter 9
U.S. History Chapter 10
U.S. History Chapter 11
U.S. History Chapter 12
U.S. History Chapter 13
U.S. History Chapter 14
U.S. History Chapters 16,17,18
U.S. History Chapters 19,20,21
U.S. History Chapters 22,23
U.S. History Chapters 24,25
U.S. History Chapters 26,27
U.S. History Chapters 28,29,30
U.S. History Chapter 31
U.S. History Chapter 32
U.S. History Chapter 33
US Government Chapters 1,2
US Government Chapter 3
US Government Chapters 10,11,12
US Government Chapters 13,14
US Government Chapter 18
US Govt Chapters 19,20,21
Remembering 9/11/01
The Civil Rights Movement
Economics Chapters 1,2,3
Eco Chapt 9
Eco Chapters 6,7,8
Eco Chapt 13
Eco Chapter 15
Eco Chapt 21

Chapter 10

Roads, Railroads and Canals
-Connected the East with western settlements

-A speedy cheaper way to transport goods

1) private companies(Pullman, Gould)
2) Federal Govt perks(land, surveys)
3) whole communities of labor

1) opened new areas to settlement
2) Increased factory growth
3) connected east and west
(not the south)
Rapid expansion of the US caused more markets to open within the country

Eg Railroads, Roads ----> Towns
1. people
2. businesses

Goods and services had to be supplied to meet the populations needs.

Eg. Cumberland Road, Lancaster Tpke
Erie Canal, Railroads and Steamboats

Thus :
a) improved techniques
b) rapid distribution
c) more labor
d) better mail delivery .....Boston Post Rd- stopovers
e) Communication - Morse


Industrial American
Revolution & Capitalism

Rapid Growth
Vast Untapped Natural Resources

= Need for Labor

= Immigration

Increased population

The Factory System
The Industrial Revolution

The combination of workers, wages
and power driven machinery

The Lowell System
(women in factory)
Putting workers under one roof and on a


Immigration - early 1800's - 1850

Reasons for coming

1) Land shortages in Europe
more people, less land

2) Factories replaced skilled labor in Europe --> unemployment

3) Natural disasters
famines, blights, floods

4) Political Turmoil
democracy v monarchies and dictators

5) Lure of cheap land
mainstay of all wealth

6) Recruitment - Steamship companies replaced cargo with people. Charged low rates making it possible for travel

7) American Letter- some legitimate and some were not.


*The Early Immigrants
English, German, Scandinavian
(all Northern European)

had a common background

a) Anglo-Saxon - language and customs were not a problem

b) very skilled and educated- craftsmen, teachers, doctors

Native Americans(whites) felt that they had the necessary qualities to become productive citizens.
They easily assimilated

There was a real need for labor and they were an instant fit

They lived the real American Dream


Irish - 1840 - 1860

Potato famine caused immigration
-Very poor; uneducated
-Came into coastal cities with no money
-Lived in slums in the cities
- Took menial jobs labor jobs and entered civil service


They suffered severe discrimination

1) Roman Catholic
2) poor; unskilled and uneducated
3) lived in slums

The Native born (White) Americans
opposed their presence in US

They briefly became a political force trying to keep immigrants down
eg. Know-Nothing Party.

-they accused immigrants of being Clannish and felt that they would vote as a block.

-they worked against Catholicism
and the influence of the Pope.

-they tried to halt foreign born from voting, attempting to increase standards for naturalization.

*by 1860 - 6 million people immigrated to the United States

Their determination enabled them to work themselves up the social ladder

In Construction
labor --->management--->ownership

civil service------>Dept. Heads

Professionals--->Doctors, lawyers

Today, the Irish have arrived!!!!!
(as Americans)


The Cotton Kingdom

*The South - Large Plantations, Slavery became a necessity
Cotton became KING

Localism- strong feeling of pride in ones family, county, state

-Outdoors people, physically active; aristocratic, friendly and hospitable
They were accomplished riders, marksmen; excellent soldiers.
Cavalier attitude.

-Native born majority population

**In the South
- They Resisted change. Southerners fiercely protected their lifestyle.
They advocated States' Rights and tested the strength of
the Constitution

1% - owned a plantation with 50 or more slaves (cottonocracy)

23% - small planters owning less than 20 slaves

76% - poor whites, owning no slaves

Yet the whole South defended Slavery!


In the South
Slavery..."peculiar institution" was institutionalized

Hope, Fear, prejudice, Their Belief was based on a created argument

The Argument

a)Theological- Mosaic Law "Make slaves of the heathens around you"
Jesus never spoke against slavery
-The role of the Church was to
insure proper treatment of slaves by their masters
b)Historical- Slavery always existed
Greeks and Romans enslaved peoples

c)Logic- men of superior talents
are justified in mastering the
less able (Aristotle)

Southerners rationalized
-The Black Race should be subordinate to the White Race.
They created evidence

Blacks were inferior to Caucasians

-The animal part of an African's brain overruns his intellect,
Therefore, nothing but domination
can restrain his animal instincts.
(He cannot do it alone)

-Slavery is a natural relationship
They are better off dominated


Slavery was an economic necessity
They further argued that

Treatment depended on the master
Slaves were content and happy
Segregation was natural.


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Chapter 10

Roads, Railroads and Canals
-Connected the East with western settlements

-A speedy cheaper way to transport goods

1) private companies(Pullman, Gould)
2) Federal Govt perks(land, surveys)
3) whole communities of labor

1) opened new areas to settlement
2) Increased factory growth
3) connected east and west
(not the south)
Rapid expansion of the US
caused more markets to open within the country

Eg Railroads, Roads ----> Towns
1. people
2. businesses

Goods and services had to be supplied to meet the populations needs.

Eg. Cumberland Road, Lancaster Tpke
Erie Canal, Railroads and Steamboats

Thus : a) improved techniques
b) rapid distribution
c) more labor
d) better mail delivery
Boston Post Rd- stopovers
e) Communication - Morse


Industrial American
Revolution & Capitalism

Rapid Growth
Vast Untapped Natural Resources

= Need for Labor

= Immigration

Increased population

The Factory System
The Industrial Revolution

The combination of workers, wages
and power driven machinery

The Lowell System
(women in factory)
Putting workers under one roof and on a cycle


Immigration - early 1800's - 1850

Reasons for coming

1) Land shortages in Europe
more people, less land

2) Factories replaced skilled labor in Europe. unemployment

3) Natural disasters
famines, blights, floods

4) Political Turmoil
democracy v monarchies and dictators

5) Lure of cheap land
mainstay of all wealth

6) Recruitment - Steamship companies replaced cargo with people. Charged low rates making it possible for travel

7) American Letter- some legitimate and some were not.


*The Early Immigrants
English, German, Scandinavian
(all Northern European)

had a common background

a) Anglo-Saxon - language and customs were not a problem

b) very skilled and educated- craftsmen, teachers, doctors

Native Americans(whites) felt that they had the necessary qualities to become productive citizens.
They easily assimilated

There was a real need for labor and they were an instant fit

They lived the real American Dream


Irish - 1840 - 1860

Potato famine caused immigration
-Very poor; uneducated
-Came into coastal cities with no money
-Lived in slums in the cities
- Took menial jobs labor jobs and entered civil service


They suffered severe discrimination

1) Roman Catholic
2) poor; unskilled and uneducated
3) lived in slums

The Native born
(White) Americans opposed their presence in US

They briefly became a political force trying to keep immigrants down
eg. Know-Nothing Party.

-they accused immigrants of being Clannish and felt that they would vote as a block.

-they worked against Catholicism
and the influence of the Pope.

-they tried to halt foreign born from voting, attempting to increase standards for naturalization.

*by 1860 - 6 million people immigrated to the United States

Their determination enabled them to work themselves up the social ladder

In Construction
labor --->management--->ownership

civil service------>Dept. Heads

Professionals--->Doctors, lawyers

Today, the Irish have arrived!!!!!
(as Americans)


The Cotton Kingdom

*The South - Large Plantations, Slavery became a necessity
Cotton became KING

Localism- strong feeling of pride in ones family,
county, state

-Outdoors people, physically active; aristocratic, friendly and hospitable

They were accomplished riders, marksmen; excellent soldiers.
Cavalier attitude.

-Native born majority population

**In the South
-They Resisted change.
Southerners fiercely protected their lifestyle.

They advocated States' Rights and tested the strength of
the Constitution

1% - owned a plantation with 50 or more slaves (cottonocracy)

23% - small planters owning less than 20 slaves

76% - poor whites, owning no slaves

Yet the whole South defended Slavery!
Reasons: In the South
Slavery..."peculiar institution" was institutionalized

Hope, Fear, prejudice,
Their Belief was based on a created argument

The Argument

Mosaic Law "Make slaves of the heathens around you"
Jesus never spoke against slavery
-The role of the Church was to
insure proper treatment of slaves
by their masters

b)Historical- Slavery always existed
Greeks and Romans enslaved peoples

c)Logic- men of superior talents
are justified in mastering the
less able (Aristotle)

Southerners rationalized
-The Black Race should be subordinate to the White Race.
They created evidence

Blacks were inferior to Caucasians

-The animal part of an African's brain overruns his intellect,
Therefore, nothing but domination
can restrain his animal instincts.
(He cannot do it alone)

-Slavery is a natural relationship
They are better off dominated


Slavery was an economic necessity
They further argued that

Treatment depended on the master
Slaves were content and happy
Segregation was natural.


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