AP Government Summer Assignment – Mr. Salerno
Textbooks will be available in the Main Office by July 2013
* Students
are required to download my outline of AP
Chapters 1&2 from my school webpage
(salernosclassroom0) into a Microsoft Word Document. Using my chapter outline and their textbooks, students are
required to create a comprehensive outline of each chapter. Vocabulary at the
end of each chapter must be completed and inserted into the document.
Mr. Salerno's e-mail - rsalerno@ionaprep.org
Reading Assignment (Summer Reading)
Chris Matthews (revised and updated version)
you read this book, think about the questions below. You would do well to take notes with regard to these questions.
Knowing the answers to these questions will help prepare you for the Summer Reading Test, which will be administered in September.
A class discussion will also involve these questions.
1. LBJ‘s famous line, “It’s not who you know, it’s who you get to know.” Explain.
Tip O’Neill’s favorite quote, “All politics is local,”
3. Ross Perot’s Machiavellian tactic:
“If you want to make a friend, get someone
to do you a favor.” Explain.
4. What did Ronald Reagan mean when he said,
“Dance with the one that brung ya.”
politics, what is meant by “Keep your friends close…your enemies closer.”
6. Define the political term Wholesale Politics.
7. Define the political term Retail Politics.
What is
meant by the Politics of Spin?
9. What does Matthews mean by “Hanging out a lantern on your problem.”
10. Define the journalism
terms: deep background; on background;
off the record.